Sunday, August 09, 2009

A bug to be crushed

“Switch on that mosquito repellent” I shouted at my friend when I entered home after a tired day.

“It is 6 PM now and those little insects will invade soon. Close the door and the windows”
I ordered, like an army commander.

What can these insects do? They need food, and somehow they like the taste of blood. Human blood. That is how they are created and that is how they are destined to live. But, we humans only allow those creatures to live, that would co-operate with us.

So, what do we do about the non co-operative species?

Lions and tigers – put them in zoo; snakes – kill them whenever they appear; mosquitoes and other bugs– simple… use your hands and crush them!

Everything is human centric for humans. We have the ultimate power to do whatever we want to do and in the process, we let the other species die. Ruthlessly.

We humans go one step further and try to defy nature in the name of science and engineering. We build big aircrafts that defy gravity and fly for hours. We suck water and oil from deep down. We burn coal and oil for our convenience.

But, Mother Nature is watching us. Somewhere from above. She sends out a signal every now and then so that human beings could behave.

The climate change is a perfect example. We suck a lot of resources from nature and pollute it as well. Thinking what the nature can do? The 2004 south Asian tsunami is one small example of what little things the nature can do to punish us. The more we move away from the laws of nature, the more we suffer.

We treat bugs like bugs because they do not co-operate. But, when we go one step further and do not co-operate with nature, it treats us like bugs!

But, what will you do when some humans are treated like a-bug-to-be-crushed by other humans?

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